Lin was kind enough to sign a book - which he actually gave us - and my husband read it right away and loved it. Then, there it sat in my pile of books for quite a long time. (Sorry, Lin!) Last week I picked it up...and I didn't put it down for three days!
First of all I have to say that I love reading books set in my area, so when towns in Minnesota and North Dakota were mentioned I felt like I was practically a character in the story. I also love historical fiction, and so many of the events in the story were closely tied to my knowledge of this region's history.
In the novel we meet Gretta Pope, who awakens one morning to find that her husband has left without a trace. The Pope's are a poor family, struggling to get by, and when Gretta's oldest son Eli sneaks off to find his father (followed closely by his younger brother, Danny), Gretta has no choice but to go off in search of them.
Little by little we learn about Ulysses Pope, and the secrets he has kept from his family. He is on a journey to find redemption, and it is only in the final chapters of the book that we learn whether the family will be able to find their way back together or not.
The book is beautifully written and totally captivating. The characters felt incredibly real, with raw and rich emotion. I believe that each story is a gift, and one this beautifully told is a treasure. Thank you, Lin, for sharing your gift with us!
Enjoy this video, where Lin shares his thoughts on the value of reading.