Tuesday, October 12, 2010

One hundred books in one year!

All right, I have officially taken the one hundred book challenge! I am going to try to read 100 of our Pine Meadow library books this school year - and tell you all about them.

For those of you who are avid readers this probably doesn't sound like such a huge task. However, in addition to these books I am also reading "adult books" (like those for my book club), technology books (to keep up with the computer part of my job), and just the pile of books I want to read!

Anyway, for all my student friends at Pine Meadow I'm going to us this blog to tell you all about the books I'm reading. I hope you'll want to read some of them and let me know what you think, and tell me all about the books you're reading, too!

Here we go: happy reading!!

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