Saturday, March 12, 2011

#66 Finding Danny

This book, Finding Danny, by Linzi Glass, is a testament to the saying that something good can come out of a bad event. Bree is devastated when her dog, Danny, is lost. She and her parents look everywhere for him, putting up posters and searching the neighborhood, and asking everyone they see, but it seems that Danny has disappeared.

Suddenly Bree thinks she sees Danny running through a neighbor's yard. She calls out to him, but he runs, and she chases him. Just as she is getting close, the dog darts out into the street in front of an oncoming car. Bree throws her self at him and catches the dog - only to realize that it isn't Danny. However, someone else is chasing the dog too. And this begins a wonderful new friendship between Bree and Rayleen, a dog-lover, who has made it her mission to help lost dogs find their owners.

Rayleen introduces Bree to the local animal shelter and Bree dives right in and begins volunteering and planning a huge adoption event. But will anyone come? And will the dogs who are red-listed (have been there too long and will be euthanized) find families to call their own?

Oh - and the good things that come out bad? There are many: a few new friends, a new mission, a healing of relationships, and many more!

If you love dogs (like Bree) and especially if you want to help them, you'll want to visit this website by the Humane Society: Created just for kids, this site includes contests, games and activities related to pets. It's a great way to help out a pet, have a little fun, and learn more about caring for animals.


  1. I have read about half of it and the beginning was sad when Danny ran away.

  2. I have to read this, such a great review!
