Thursday, March 17, 2011

#68 The Real Lucky Charm

Mia and her twin brother Marcus both want to play basketball and are excited to sign up for their teams. The problem comes when not enough girls sign up, so Marcus's team adds the girls and they become the first coed team in the league. To celebrate their first practice, their Dad gives Marcus a new basketball jersey and gives Mia a basketball charm for her charm bracelet.

Mia plays great - and begins to believe that the charm is what makes her so good: she rubs it before every game. It also seems to work in school, when taking tests or completing projects. Mia decides that because she has this great new lucky charm she doesn't need to practice or study at all. This works just great until Mia loses the charm and has a bad day at school and an even worse day in basketball.

Should she quit the team? Is there really such a thing as a lucky charm, or do we make our own "luck" by working hard? Mia is about to find out.


  1. This is a really good book. It is so cool. This is my favorite book. My name is Nate and I am a student at Hilltop elementry and I really like this book.

  2. That's sounds like a really good book to read if you want something to read or something to do if you are bored. I might like this book, is it a funny book?
